Our Focus

Sports Leadership can be segmented into three primary areas of focus: camp scholarships, sports training and community service. The goal is to be positively transformed by love through Sports Leadership.

Areas of Focus

Sports Training

Athletics provide a unique platform and can be viewed as an expansive mission field with countless individuals of all ages, ethnicities, economic and social statuses. Sports Leadership’s distinctiveness can reach this broad audience through camps, clinics and mentoring.

Camp Scholarships

Athletics provide a unique platform and can be viewed as an expansive mission field with countless individuals of all ages, ethnicities, economic and social statuses. Sports Leadership’s distinctiveness can reach this broad audience through camps, clinics and mentoring.

Community Service

Touching lives in the community through various service initiatives plays an important role in Sports Leadership vision. Partnerships with schools, businesses, churches and other organizations create cooperative bridges to help cultivate sustainable programming conducted at minimal cost to participants.



There are many opportunities for you to partner with Sports Leadership to help young adults become the best leaders they can be. Please contact us if interested! Thank you for joining our team. We will keep you updated through our newsletter how Sports Leadership is making a difference:  Building Leaders – Building Community.